[cs] Česká verze

About Me

Hi, my name is Miroslav Hajda and I'm from village Zděchov, Czech Republic. I'm 38 years old, about 187 cm tall and my weight is about 115 kg.

I'm programmer by profession, my native language is Czech, but I speak a bit English. My favourite color is blue and favourite food are potatoes.

Here are some of my photos, mostly from various IDs:

[fotka 1] [fotka 2] [fotka 3] [fotka 4] [fotka 5] [fotka 6] [fotka 7]


I attended elementary/primary school 4 years in Zděchov and 5 years in Hovězí.

Some photos from Hovězí:

[Hovězí 5.A] [Hovězí 6.A] [Hovězí 7.A] [Hovězí 8.A] [Hovězí 9.A]

After that I studied grammar school Masarykovo gymnázium in Vsetín.

Few photos of classes, although I look terrible there...

[Gymnázium 1.A] [Gymnázium 2.A] [Gymnázium 3.A] [Gymnázium 4.A]

Then I went to university for 5,5 years, studied on faculty of informatics of Masaryk Univerzity in Brno.

Photos of rectorate and faculty buildings:

[Rektorát] [Fakulta]

Work Experience

Magion (10/2007 - 01/2013)

Magion company in Vsetin is developing economical information systems. When I worked there, they were using Sybase Power Builder and later they started to move to .NET C#/ASP.NET and SilverLight, which was not quite my cup of coffe.

[Magion Vsetin]

IBM Delivery Center (02/2013 - 01/2014)

I worked in team for infrastructure support tools in IBM GSDC Czech Republic a subsidiary of IBM corporation which was in technology park in Brno. We worked in smaller teams on stand-alone tools based on Java technologies, JSF, PrimeFaces and RichFaces. But the team was basically disbandoned.

[IBM DC Brno]

Javlin/CloverETL (02/2015 - 05/2016)

I worked in Java and Eclipse framework on develoment of ETL tool for data transformation in company's Brno office. This is the field I'm strongly interested in. Company had almost start-up feel and part of the product was open-source, but this open-source was abandoned and company shifted more towards premium model with expert services offerings.

[Javlin Brno]

NetSuite/Oracle (03/2017 - 12/2019)

I was working in NetSuite as a Java backend developer on platform for omnichannel commerce software in Brno, later company was taken over by Oracle Corporation. The extend of the platform and specific combination with JavaScript was a bit out of my scope, but mostly I had some health issues in the end.

[NetSuite Brno]

What Else Can You Find Here

My hobbies are Sharp MZ-800 8-bit computer, japanese animated series / movies, but mostly you will find various files and programming creations that I once produced here...

Or you can take a look on:

My resume/cv

Our home pets

How my home computer changed over time