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With the new year, new news :-)

Posted on Friday 16th of January 2009 06:06:04 PM

After a long time I visited my own homepage and it seems to be appropriate to update it a little bit soon. Other news for example is that I bought a new keyboard ;-)

This year, I would like to update and rework these pages in form more appropriatte to a blog. It would be also useful to change its appearance and also adding some new content should not hurt - I might find something useful while cleaning the hard drive.

That's because I decided this year and already performed upgrade from Fedora 9 to Fedora 10, this time mainly because of all the mess on the disk, but to me, however, still most data maitaning still awaits on me.

After Christmas I also buyed Yamaha PSR-S550 keyboard, so hopefully it can bring some new experience in the field of music.


My activity on the XBUP project unfortunately had weakened. Besides the fact that I'm not that sucessful sparing time as much as earlier, I also got stuck on several issues, like currently on the declaration of attributes and subblocks. That ruined my timetables of development a bit hitting the reality and I also failed to get estabilish a team for that project... I still believe that this project has a purpose, yet it will probably doomed in the meantime :-(

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